„We can cooperate efficiently”

2022. March 29, Tuesday 15:56 | Education

The professional day on the 28th of March was another huge success of the Handball-specific Methodology Centre. In the event not only did the sports experts of NEKA take part, but the state-supported handball academies and other sports’ leaders also paid their respects during the performances.

At the beginning, Tamás Mocsai, the general manager of the National Academy of Handball gave a speech. In that he expressed his joy in connection with the appropriate and effective cooperation among the academies:

„I believe that the strength of handball lies in our common work and progress. It is proved that within the methodology centre, we can cooperate efficiently. along our pre-determined aims.”

After the speech, a presentation was started by János Hajdu handball master trainer referring to the experiences and foreign trends of the recent Men’s European Championship, which can be used in youth training as well. In the sports science and health care group, Gergely Langmár lead a consultation about the standardisation of the manual test, while the other section was opened by dr. Levente Rácz, the head of the physical trainers. The topic of the general and sport-specific stamina’ creation, optimalisation and periodisation was also detailed. Later, prof. dr. h. c. Lajos Mocsai, NEKA’s sports science and professional general directorgave a presentation about the complex role of coaches.

In the afternoon the professional day continued in NEKA’s Sports Centre and Diagnostic Centre, where practical performances were implemented. One of them, which included the attack tactics in handball, was made by László Sótonyi who is the head coach of the oldest men’s team at the academy. Moreover, the experts introduced the instrumentally controlled development of CODS and agility.   

The professional day created an excellent forum for communication and the exchange of opinions among different academies and clubs again.

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