More information and application: sportrehabilitacio@neka.hu

Status checks

Patient examination 15 000 Ft
Dynamometry 1 occasion 25 000 Ft
Dynamometry (re-measurement therapy) 35 000 Ft
FMS 10 000 Ft
FMS (re-measurement) 16 000 Ft
Running examination 10 000 Ft
Zebris (stand up - walk) 20 000 Ft
Zebris (spine) 30 000 Ft
Heart frequency examination 10 000 Ft
Vertical jump examination 10 000 Ft
Pull-push balance 10 000 Ft
Shoulder belt examination 10 000 Ft
Body composition examination 10 000 Ft
Locomotor speed examination 5 000 Ft
Nordbord examination 10 000 Ft
Biofeedbackpressure- stabilizer examination 3 000 Ft

Movement therapies

Individual motion therapy 30 minutes 10 000 Ft
Individual motion therapy 60 minutes 18 000 Ft
Individual motion therapy (60 minutes - 10 occasions) 170 000 Ft
Individual motion therapy (30 minutes - 10 occasions) 80 000 Ft
HUR 60 minutes 3 000 Ft
Alter-G 30 minutes 8 000 Ft
Exercise bike 30 minutes 3 000 Ft
Exercise bike 60 minutes 6 000 Ft


Massage 30 minutes 10 000 Ft
Massage 60 minutes 20 000 Ft

Physiotherapy treatments

TENS 4 000 Ft
Laser 5 000 Ft
Pushwave 10 000 Ft
UH 5 000 Ft
Magnet therapy 1 000 Ft
Game-ready 20 minutes 5 000 Ft
Game-ready 40 minutes 10 000 Ft
Interference 4 000 Ft
Iontophorersis 5 000 Ft

Special therapies

Cupping therapy 5 000 Ft
Fascial knife treatment 10 000 Ft
FDM 6 000 Ft
Normatec 30 minutes 5 000 Ft
Lymphatic drainage - with machine 10 000 Ft
Lymphatic drainage - manual 15 000 Ft
Dorn-therapy 10 000 Ft
Mckenzie-method (with spine examination) 10 000 Ft
Schrott-therapy 10 000 Ft
Triggerpoint 5 000 Ft
Medical flossing therapy 5 000 Ft
Poultice 3 000 Ft
Mulligan manual therapy 10 000 Ft


Kinesiotape 6 000 Ft
Dynamic-tape 8 000 Ft
Sporttape 6 000 Ft
NRX 25 000 Ft


Ildikó Bácsi

Ildikó Bácsi


Márk Furján

Márk Furján

Benjámin Fülöp

Benjámin Fülöp

Igor Kracz

Igor Kracz

Csaba Orbán

Csaba Orbán


László Polgár

László Polgár


Kinga Simon

Kinga Simon

Tekla Sümegi

Tekla Sümegi