Science updated III.

2020. February 14, Friday 10:45 | Scientific background

The fitness coaches and the human kinesiology staff of NEKA play an active role in the preparation of academy students.

The background may be interesting to everyone, so we asked human kinesiologist Dániel Lattenstein, what are the latest trends in the field?

“Nowadays, the philosophy of 'less is sometimes more' prevails, so the goal is to use the least amount of effort to achieve the greatest benefit for athletes. We work at the academy accordingly and put emphasis on quality work instead of the quantitative workload we previously had stressed. We regularly carry out quick tests and measurements to determine a personalized workload. Then, by knowing the data, we can define whether to decrease or increase the amount of exercise in the second half of the week. Giving a quick and accurate feedback for the coaches is also essential. As the sport of handball is moving more and more in the physical direction, besides endurance, the development of strength and explosiveness is of paramount importance.”

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