2020. January 17, Friday 23:12 | Education
The experts of the academy, given the education and skills of the children, shared with the attendees types of information that could be incorporated into their education curricula.
Firstly, physiotherapist Bernadett Szalay gave a presentation on the importance of recognizing deformities, post-diagnosis medical treatment and sporting opportunities for children with orthopaedic disorders. During the illustrative presentation, the most common problems encountered in youth were highlighted.
During the practice sessions, the little Elves from the village of Mernye performed the exercises. János Hajdu, head of the sports department at NEKA, presented the most important lessons on how to fall and roll, and emphasized the importance of learning the right practices and applying them in matches.
Ákos Vártok and Szilárd Kiss provided assistance in the development of the conditioning and coordination skills that are essential in handball education. They used contests, obstacle course races and fighting games to illustrate the learning material.
As a final act, Edit Pusztai Lukács, teacher of the school from Mernye, a member of the Lurkó programme, showcased a presentation featuring examples on how to block shots with the active participation of the children.
Following the diverse and useful program, there was a short professional consultation led by the Lurkó programme mentors Henriett Sikler Bárány and Zsolt Varga, in which, besides the issues and administrative tasks that have arisen, the date of the next Lurkó Festival has also been finalized. The Carnival Tournament will be held on February 15 at the NEKA Sports Hall.