Fitness in focus

2019. December 10, Tuesday 14:58 | Education

Launched for the second time by the Hungarian Handball Federation - International Training Centre, the students of the Fitness Coach Course attend theoretical and practical lectures during their study activities.

The lecturers include excellent professionals, among them András László Szabó, leader of the Group of Health and Sports Sciences of NEKA.


As András László Szabó said, compared to the number of students in the first year, they are far fewer in attendance this time, and the applicants form groups of 10-12 to take part in the lectures on Tuesdays and Sundays.


“In general, I try to present dedicated sports-specific exercises, such as speed and explosiveness development tasks come to the forefront. The students are mainly comprised of national team or first division club professionals. A novelty this year is the professional camp hosted by the National Academy of Handball in Balatonboglár at the end of February, during which participants can gain insight into the work of the NEKA professional team.” – said András László Szabó.

The fitness coach students will also be taking a teach-back exam soon, which will be a good feedback for instructors on whether the transfer and the acquisition of the information is appropriate or not.

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